When navigating a career, doubt can set in.

Am I in the right field?

Why can’t I please my boss?

Why am I working so much?


Why can’t I get myself motivated anymore?

Am I good enough?

Is it too late to make a change?

These questions can feel like a whole crowd of voices inside, drowning out your sense of True North.

Therapy is about learning to reconnect with your deepest self, the True North that has been there all along to guide you.

Like many high-performers, you might worry that reconnecting with this part of yourself will dull the "magic" that propelled you to success.

But the opposite is true.

When you soothe and quiet your inner critic and let your True North lead the way, your work becomes more creative, innovative, and spontaneous. Your relationship with yourself and with others flourishes. Your impact expands.

Addressing the Past

​Many of my clients would not initially define themselves as having experienced trauma. That word can sound intense and unrelatable.

If the word “trauma” feels intimidating, we can simply replace it with the notion that all of us are shaped by our early life experiences. No matter how idyllic your life has been, to be human is to at times encounter pain.

Trauma is simply pain from the past we haven’t fully processed.

When left unprocessed, we carry it around with us in a raw, aching kind of way. And that ache begins to affect our whole system, leading to depression, anxiety, etc.

In therapy, we will reflect on the painful parts of your past to uncover what needs to be processed. Then you’ll begin to feel better.

The Details

  • We’ll meet 1x per week (sometimes more), for 50 minutes.

  • My style is both directive and open-ended. Therapy is a creative process and requires non-linearity, free-association, and at times, more structured processes.

  • We’ll make space for silence and practice how to shift from thinking to feeling.

  • We’ll pivot between your past and present to discover how they are always in dialogue with each other.

  • Using an Internal Family Systems model, we may explore your inner parts of self that have been hiding in plain sight. As we get to know these parts of you, we learn to care for them, so they can step aside and let your true self take the wheel.

  • I don’t assign homework.

  • I don’t meet with clients every other week or once monthly.

  • I do help you learn to be truly present with yourself in session, and that will carry over into the rest of your week.

From therapy, you will find your life has become more expansive, authentic & joyful.